Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Midweek Rule 5 Break

All Latin all month...Break time with Roselyn  Sanchez.

And after your break be sure to check these other Rule 5 bloggers and their babes...

Odie has The commercial

Miss Poland 2011 from Reaganite Republican

Sex in Advertising from Proof Positive

The Daley Gator has his 100 Hottest Babes

White Hot Bikini Shots from American Power

The Eye Of Polyphemus has Mila Kunis and Lea Michele

Rule 5 Saturday from TCOTS

Maggie has Swimsuits, lots of them!

American Perspective has Taylor Swift

If All You See from The Pirates Cove

Burkalesque Babe from Jake Finnegan

The Astute Bloggers has the Tebowing Edition